segunda-feira, maio 25, 2009

Who was Magellan?

Ferdinand Magellan was a Portuguese sailor. He wanted to try to reach south-east Asia, where many spices grew, by sailing westwards across the Atlantic Ocean. As his own king wouldn't finance the voyage, he got the help he needed from Spain instead. He hoped to find a passage through South America so that he could sail all the way from the Atlantic to the Pacific.

Mais informações acerca do Ferdinand Magellan aqui

3 comentários:

Miss Kinky disse...

Ferdinand Magellanus: o que é que ele canta?
Tem algum single?

Bolinhas disse...

Por amor de Deus Candy ele tem um LP!!!!!

Miss Kinky disse...

ah ok...é que pela fotografia, parecia o Fernão Magalhães...e esse só tem singles...